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P. 25

a compris ...

      la vidéo à Whisper, la dic-            n’est pas toujours très arti-         different. In fact, we can
      tion des ingénieures et étu-           culée. C’est pourquoi le ré-          have different functionali-
      diantes qui s’expriment                sultat est intéressant                ties, for example, research
                                                                                   and development, quality,
                                                                                   things like that, in different
                                                                                   a For me, being an engi-
                                                                                   neer is first of all a way of
                                                                                   thinking. No matter our
      a I think that 24% is the              a I think it's huge. In my
      proportion of women in                 team, in the cake culture,            background, no matter our
      engineering schools, in my             there is not a single girl.           specialization, we will learn
                                                                                   to think and have a certain
      case it's about what I feel.           Out of 30, I have two
      a I think it would be the              women. We are 3 out of 30,
      percentage of women in                 so we are 10%.                        a I would say that it is so-
      the engineering sector.                a There is a lack of                  meone who seeks to bring
                                                                                   technical solutions to eve-
      a 24% I think is the pro-              women in this sector, so I
      portion of women in engi-              think it's a big point on             ryday problems.
      neering schools. I admit               which we could evolve, but            a There are people who
      that I would have said a lit-          in any case, it would be im-          leave my school, some of
      tle less, but I know that it           portant for me to be in this          them do finance, strategy,

      is progressing and that's              sector with more women.               some of them do building
      cool.                                                                        construction or even web
                                                                                   development. There is a bit
                                                                                   of everything.
                                                                                   a It is someone who has a
                                                                                   capacity for understanding,

                                                                                   who has the capacity to
      a For me, engineering is a            a So, I would say that it is           analyze. It is also someone
      bit of everything and no-             the engineering professions,
                                                                                   who can adapt, who has a
      thing.                                because each profession is             certain level of knowledge

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