Page 27 - Sinumetech3
P. 27
a During my career, I spe- do this kind of training. dozens of different speciali-
cialized in artificial intelli- a It's great because it zations too, so we can al-
gence, and finally ended up really leaves a lot of possi- ways find the thing that we
being the creator of a bilities. When I was in high like.
fashion brand. So I think it's school, I knew I wanted to a At the level of an engi-
a bit atypical. stay in science, but I didn't neer, it's about making the
really know what to do. choice. It doesn't lock you
And so there are really a lot in a job, it doesn't lock you
of choice of specialties. In in a specialty. On the
addition, in general, we do contrary, it works. And
two years of either pre-nor- then there will always be
mal or pre-integrated, and time to do what you want
so we still have two years to to do.
think. a These are studies that
always go back to it later. a In addition, we are open a million doors,
a Don't be afraid to take lucky to have dozens and a and I can only encou-
responsibility, to make de- dozens of different path- rage you to go in there with
cisions. ways to reach engineering confidence, don't hesitate
a To have the chance to jobs. There are dozens and to get involved in it.
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SiNum&Tech 27/36