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and therefore can adapt to            a It is a way of thinking, it          a What I really love about
      the situation.                        is not necessarily just calcu-         my studies, is that we meet
      a You can work in any sec-            lations.                               a lot of people from all over
      tor of activity.                                                             the world. When you go to

                                                                                   an engineering school, you
                                                                                   really hear a lot of people
                                                                                   from all over France.

      a Engineering seems very               not at all that. An engineer
      technical. The word alone is           is really someone who will
      a bit scary. It's going to be          work as a team, think
      cotton. And the job is often           about all aspects of a pro-
      less.                                  ject, taking into account             a So what I would say to
      a Engineers are not just               the different collaborators           this CES, is that if you have
      geeks, it's much broader.              with whom he works.                   the ability, it's not to hesi-

      a An engineer is someone               a The big stereotype was              tate.
      who does a scientist, calcu-           that being an engineer,               a The thing that makes
      lations in his field, who              there are only calculations           you hesitate is the
      spends his time with for-              everywhere. But not at all.           complexity of the studies, or
                                                                                   the length of the studies. I
      mulas, etc. While in fact it's
                                                                                   want to tell you, no one is
                                                                                   born knowing how to solve

                                                                                   equations, no one is born
                                                                                   knowing how to manage a
                                                                                   project from A to Z. Eve-
      a I did computer science              gree, I loved medicine, so I           ryone learns it, it takes the
      studies. 15 years later, I joi-       did a first year of medicine,          time it takes, but everyone
      ned a service where there             the CES. I managed to get              can learn it.
      was computer science, but             the competition, I was taken           a You really shouldn't he-
      production, exploitation.             in the second year, except             sitate, and with the number

      While it had been several             that I realized that the way           of fields, of specialties, we
      years, it had been ten years          of teaching, the manage-               inevitably find something
      since I did it, so it moved a         ment, etc. did not corres-             that we like. And even if at
      lot in computer science. And          pond to me, and the jobs I             the beginning, we realize
      what was really cool was to           was going to access later did          that it's not necessarily the
      realize that, OK, things had          not correspond to me either.           field we thought of, there is
      evolved, but I had the capa-          So I wanted to stay in the             always a way to evolve.
      city to understand.                   field of biology and biotech-          a If it makes you want to,

      a After the Bachelor's de-            nology, and I arrived at the           go for it, and in any case,
                                            engineering school.                    there are pathways, you can

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